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WAStickerApps: Cute Sticker





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



WAStickerApps: Cute Sticker(圖1)-速報App


WAStickerApp: Cute Sticker is a free application includes free packs of Stickers for Whatsapp. You can start chatting with your friends in a cute and adorable way by sending them expressive Kawaii Stickers. This application was made in order to faciliate chatting and make it super adorable.

Some of the packs included included:

The stickers for text messages, are devided into different packs.

+ Glitter Stickers

+ Girly Stickers

+ Pets Stickers

WAStickerApps: Cute Sticker(圖2)-速報App

+ Cute Stickers

+ Mignon Sticker

+ Fofos Sticker

+ Chi Chat Sticker

+ Love Sticker

+ Couple Sticker

+ Pastel Sticker

WAStickerApps: Cute Sticker(圖3)-速報App

+ Mignon Stickers

+ Beautiful Stickers

+ Cute Emoticon Sticker

+ Kawaii Emoji Sticker

+ I miss you Sticker

+ I love you Sticker

+ Kawaii Sticker

WAStickerApps: Cute Sticker(圖4)-速報App

How to use?

After you download This app, open it up. Choose your favorite pack and click on the (+) button or (Add to Whatsapp) Button. Confirm the action by accepting the pop up. Finally, open your Whatsapp, go to stickers and start using your Brand New Packs.

Install and enjoy chatting using wonderful Cute Animals Stickers.

WAStickerApps: Cute Sticker(圖5)-速報App